501c nonprofit tax-deductible ID 88-3463177
100% of your donations are used to help the community 909-757-1313
501c nonprofit tax-deductible ID 88-3463177
100% of your donations are used to help the community 909-757-1313
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Our dedicated team @ 4 Future Leaders of Tomorrow is a non-profit charitable organization committed in preventing and ending homelessness, hunger and disparity in underprivileged communities. Everyone deserves a chance for a better future!. We are reaching out by providing resources in needed communities - whether it be a delicious meal, warm clothing, educational supplies, referrals, toys or even bus passes
At one point or another, each of the founding members have gone through personal struggles, some have experienced homelessness, hunger, medical illnesses and others juggled single parenting, while furthering their education, and so on. However, the common denominator was that each of us needed Help. So now we are "The Helpers" 4 Future Leaders of Tomorrow -because the people we help are our future
Leading the way for generations to come! Together we can .... make a difference by paying it forward with Love, Compassion, and Community Outreach for all humanity.
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